Dairy ingredients are a staple in many dishes, but more and more diners are looking for ways to avoid dairy. Whether it’s an allergy or a conscious dieting choice, it means that certain dishes are simply going to be off-limits.

Dairy Alternatives

Fortunately, there are also more and more dairy alternatives out there. That means that there are many ways for your restaurant to use them to make organic food dishes that even dairy-avoiding customers can enjoy.

Oat Milk

Oat milk has increased in popularity recently, and for good reason. It’s creamy and richer than most people expect dairy alternatives to be. It’s great for use in coffee and can be used by diners who are allergic to nuts, which are the base of some other popular milk alternatives.

Almond Milk

This is one of the most popular non-dairy milk options around. It tastes a little bit like almonds, but the nutty taste is not overpowering. It’s available in sweetened and unsweetened varieties too, which is why it can be used in a variety of cooking applications. It can be used in white sauces and can also be used to create vegan baked goods. It’s high in calcium and low in calories too.

Soy Milk

Soy milk is a bit on the sweet side. It can be used in coffee, but it is sometimes consumed on its own too. It has a similar consistency to dairy milk so it’s not a big change for anyone who’s used to using that. As a bonus, it’s high in protein and relatively inexpensive for a milk alternative.

Of course, this is not ideal for customers with a soy allergy or sensitivity, so think about including some of the other milk alternatives listed here on your menu too.

Coconut Milk

Like coconut oil, coconut milk has a strong flavor and a thick texture. It can be used in place of dairy milk in any application where the taste of coconut wouldn’t be too overwhelming. It’s especially popular in curries and Indian food, where the creamy texture can be fully appreciated.

Non-Dairy Cheese

Not eating dairy means missing out on cheese, but just as there are non-dairy alternatives to milk there are some alternatives to cheese. Lactose intolerant diners can eat cheese made from nuts, like cashews or almonds. There are also vegan cheese options available now.

Nutritional Yeast

Sometimes known as β€œnooch,” this ingredient can add a cheesy taste and texture to vegan dishes. It’s used in soups and vegan mac and cheese, and it can even be used in some vegan chili meals to add more flavor. As a bonus, nooch is rich in B vitamins and other healthy nutrients.

Learn More About Healthy Ingredients

The Organic Restaurants website is full of more healthy lifestyle tips and information that can help you make the most out of the most popular healthy ingredients. Visit our blog and see how you can expand your menu and attract even more diners to your organic food restaurant.

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