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Cyprus is an island nation in the Eastern Mediterranean that is in the EU, but not entirely European in nature. It is divided between Greek and Turkish islanders, and Cyprus has sought independence from the Turkish-occupied northern part of the country. There are historic and natural attractions galore. Pafos has an underground cemetery called Tombs of the Kings, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Byzantine Art Museum in Nicosia has the most Cypriot icons on the island. Also in Nicosia, Omeriye Hammam is a true Turkish-style bath. Golden Beach on the Karpas (Kırpaşa) Peninsula is peaceful and well-preserved, with clear water and white sand dunes.

The cuisine of Cyprus includes both Greek and Turkish specialties. Typical vegetables include zucchini, artichokes, and grape leaves. Broad beans, olives, and walnuts are also common, as are figs, berries, and melons. Try a minty version of the Greek pastitsio, or you can have halloumi cheese or mushrooms in a pita along with a mixture of cabbage, parsley, onions, tomatoes, and cucumber. Taramosalata is a tasty fish roe dip. The peasant breakfast of tarhana (or trahanas) combines cracked wheat and yogurt cooked together, dried, and later reconstituted in hot water. Pourgouri, Cypriot bulgur, is steamed with tomato and onion, and a little vermicelli pasta is added. Organic foods aren’t common in Cyprus, but there are some groceries. You can find an occasional juice bar, or some all-vegetarian mezze if you’re really lucky.