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Sao Tome and Principe

São Tom├® and Principe is a small island nation off the west coast of Central Africa. The official language is Portuguese but Forro, Angolar, and Principense (which can all be considered creoles) are also spoken. Both islands are mountainous, and the climate is tropical. Native animal species include the giant sunbird, the endangered São Tom├® Shrew, and a primate called the mona guenon. Mainstays of the economy include agriculture and fishing. Go on a guided bike tour of the coffee-producing Monte Caf├® plantation. You can also do some excellent snorkelling in Lagoa Azul, and check out giant baobab trees full of birds.

Breadfruit, taro, and maize are common starchy staples. Typical vegetables include avocados, green beans, and spinach. Pork and seafood are very popular. A traditional calulu can take five hours to make. It contains grouper or smoked fish, prawns, tomato, okra, and eggplant. Try chicken with coffee sauce, which contains white wine, cream, and garlic among other ingredients. A simple dish like cachupa with green beans, broad beans, and corn can be a good choice for vegetarians. Dig into some delicious tropical fruit, like jackfruit or mangos!