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Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone is a constitutional republic in West Africa. The official language is English but Temne, Mende, and Krio are commonly spoken. There is a minority of Sierra Leonean-Lebanese, who are largely traders. The terrain includes savannah to rainforests, and the climate is tropical. Native animal species include the Pygmy hippopotamus, the Diana guenon (an endangered primate), and five varieties of mongoose. Mainstays of the economy include mining of diamonds and natural resources. Subsistence farming is also key to livelihood in this financially-challenged country. You can hang ten at the Bureh Beach Surf Club in Freetown. Rugged types will enjoy an ascent up Mt. Bintumani, full of great rainforest scenery and opportunities to see wildlife, including monkeys and hippos.

Rice and manioc are common starchy staples. Typical vegetables include okra and a type of eggplant known as jakato. Fish and chicken are popular. Pigeon peas are a versatile legume that can be stewed with added palm oil and onion for a few hours, cooked with ash flavoring and meat, or ground into a flour and made into a sauce. Try okra soup or groundnut stew. Vegetarians may luck into a bit of Mediterranean cuisine with meatless menu options. Try an environmentally-conscious guesthouse to leave a smaller tourist footprint on this somewhat delicate country.